Friday, 28 February 2020

D&D Heroes

I recently did a commission to paint a set of D&D heroes. It took about 12 hours altogether, and I have mixed feelings about the results. One of the requests was for a black & white pin-striped cloak, so I had to do some freehand on a model which I found quite awkward.

I'm fairly pleased with the end result of the models, but I can see lots of little details which I would've preferred to spend more time on. I was charging by the hour though and didn't want to charge too much in the end so had to cut some areas short. The miniatures are all from the Nolzur's Marvelous Miniature range as far as I can tell, and I really don't enjoy working with that material. The models are a soft flexible plastic and a lot of the parts are quite small and not very well defined. The miniatures do have good poses but they often make it hard to get your brush in where you need it.

As I finished each model, I decided to pose it in a little scene to show to the client:

Here are the finished models altogether (picture taken by the group after they received the models):

The wolf was painted by my partner, Laura and thrown in as a freebie.

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