Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Progress Report

Laura and I haven't found the time to play the next Nemesis Crown battle yet, so I thought I'd write a little hobby progress blog post.

I recently got a set of Fireforge's Folk Rabble from their Forgotten Worlds line and they're excellent! They're an easy to work with hard plastic, and they have loads of options on the sprue as well. The models aren't too busy with detail either, which is perfect for NPCs or using as a low level infantry unit for special missions (eg. defend the village with additional support of a mob of villagers).

You get 18 in a box, which is three identical sprues consisting of 2 women & 4 men, along with various weapons/tools.

Scale comparison

Laura bought me a set of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar / Warhammer Fantasy Pistoliers. These are still available from Games Workshop as part of their AoS line and they're great models. I wanted a set to use for a conversion I've had planned for a while. Using parts that've been gifted to me from my friend Rick (The Grumpy Gnome) I've converted the pistoliers into light cavalry swordsmen. I've styled this unit on the famous mercenary Grudgebringer Cavalry from the games Warhammer Dark Omen and Warhammer Shadow of the Horned Rat.

I also wanted to show off some little guys that Rick gave me recently. I have no idea what they are but they're great! I'll have to come up with some rules for them, maybe they could be the homunculi of a Gold Wizard?

Tiny robots!

I realised I've never shown any pictures of my painted Aenur, the Sword of Twilight. I've had this model for at least 15 years and I decided to finally paint him last year sometime.

I also received the second half of my Dungeons & Lasers 2 pledge. It was mostly scatter/detail pieces, but it also included the dragon I chose:

I'm really impressed with the detail on the model, and I wasn't expecting it to be so crisp to be honest. I'm looking forward to painting this model, and it's seriously tempted me to get on board with D&L 3 for the townsfolk models.

Finally, I've been working on my Realm of Battle boards. I'd never finished off the last two hill corners and I wanted the additional variety for upcoming Nemesis Crown games. Also, the other boards were starting to flake a bit so I patched them up a bit and tried sealing it all down with watered down PVA. Hopefully they'll be more resilient now.

The UK has allowed people to meet up outdoors again recently, so Laura and I arranged to meet up with our friend Alex in a part of the Peak District I've never been to before: Thor's Cave & the Manifold Valley. We all went for a little hike around the vale and saw some spectacular views!

I'm the one in the awesome Battletech t-shirt

Laura & Alex at the cave mouth

Obviously the camouflage renders me practically invisible but if you look hard enough you can see me climbing down the rocks in my blue coat

The way we went out of the cave was a lot smaller than the way we went in!

Some friendly cows

View of the valley

Laura on the precipice

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