Sunday, 17 November 2019

Prince Bishops Wargames Club

Laura and I attended our old wargames club on Thursday - The Prince Bishops Wargames Club. We brought along my modified Frostgrave warbands and lots of my 4Ground terrain (although in my haste to pack I forgot to bring any scatter terrain, resulting in a somewhat bare board unfortunately).

I'd created 4 complete warbands for the game, as well as partially made a 5th (goblin) warband. The warbands were:

- Sir Roderick's Retinue (medieval soldiers in blue livery)

- Lady Petra's Coterie (medieval soldiers in red livery with black & yellow shields)

- Lord Athelas' Company of Free Elves (pre-painted high elves from em4 Miniatures)

- Kasumi no kimi's Warband (Feudal Japanese miniatures - mixture of pre-painted em4 miniatures and some Bad Squiddo female warriors)

- Grizzlesnot's Gang (goblins)

I didn't get around to fully statting the goblin warband, so after I'd set up the terrain I decided it would be fun if I adjudicated, as well as controlled a randomly placed group of marauding goblins.

Laura played with her Japanese warband, and one of the newer regulars to the club called Mark played with Lady Petra's Coterie. This meant that Sir Roderick's Retinue wasn't actually fielded in the end so Captain Dimi never made an appearance! On the plus side at least he's well on the way to being painted now for future games.

The objective for each warband was to secure as much treasure as possible (represented by plastic gems). Once a miniature leaves the board with a treasure token, then they can't return to the field so choosing who to collect the treasure was an important decision.

The goblin marauders started roughly in the middle of the board, and proceeded to run around harassing both sides.

Lady Petra valiantly charged a group of goblins, but quickly found herself overrun and her horse suffered a cruel death at the end of many goblin spears.

Elsewhere in the town, a shinobi fights for her life against a particularly tough goblin archer. After many rounds of combat, the goblin tore out her throat with a nasty bite and that was the end of the ninja!

Kasumi no kimi's warriors make their way through town, searching for treasure while Lady Petra is distracted by the green menace.

Petra held the goblins off bravely, and was eventually aided by her soldiers in defeating the gang of vicious goblins.

Laura commanding her troops through the battlefield.

Captain Nanako throws shuriken from cover, attempting to elimate the European warriors.

The archers fire back!

Captain Hans Capon attempts to sneak into a cottage to steal from treasure, but is intercepted by a goblin raider and an ashigaru armed with a katana! The battle was fierce and Sir Hans was wounded and had to retreat, but a man-at-arms was able to sneak past and take the treasure during the kerfuffle.

The spearman sneaks off with the treasure.

Nanako surveys the bloody battlefield. The Japanese won the battle in terms of attrition, but the Europeans took the most treasure in the end (each slain goblin counted as 1 treasure as well as each token - so Lady Petra's charge turned out to be worth it!).

Tom Kedik - goblin warlord.

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