Friday, 4 December 2020

Advent Miniature Painting - Days 2, 3 & 4

Day 2 - Stocks 

Laura got the stocks for Day 2. This model is from the Dungeons & Lasers Legacy Extras pack from their recent kickstarter. It's a nice hard plastic and has a good amount of detail on it.

She used Army Painter Brush-On Primer (grey) for the primer, but regretted it shortly afterwards. Perhaps the bottle's gone a bit old or needs remixing or something, but it was really sticky and uneven and made the rest of the painting awkward for her.

She managed to come out on top though and gave it some nice details like rusty bolts on the supports. 

Day 3 - Notice Board

I got to paint this cool notice board from Oathsworn Miniatures (of Burrows & Badgers fame) for day 3.

I primed it with my airbrush and used a mixture of P3, Citadel Contrast and Citadel Layer paints to do the wood. I haven't bothered with the ground much as I'll probably mount it onto a terrain piece at some point.

I tried my hand at small detail work with the notices, but my 1mm high handwriting is even worse than my regular sized handwriting so it just came out as squiggles.

Day 4 - Dryad

Laura got a Wood Elf Dryad by Games Workshop for her second model. Lots of painting wood so far!

Once again the brush on primer was tried but it did the same thing so she washed it off and it was given an airbrush prime instead. She did a mixture of highlighting and drybrush work for the bark, and the leaves were Citadel Loren Forest, which contrasted well with the wood.

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Advent Miniature Painting - Day 1

Christmas is looming once again, and Laura and I decided that rather than the usual chocolate fest, we'd try to appreciate some of the things we have on our run up to the 25th. Of all the things we appreciate (good friends, a nice home, comfortable living standards) there is of course one thing which tops them all: hordes of miniatures!

Seeing as we suffer from the classic wargamer affliction of wanting to buy new miniatures before the old ones are painted, we decided to 'gift' each other unpainted miniatures from our collections, with the goal being to paint it up that day as a mini project. So we used Laura's old wooden advent calendar, which has handy compartments that are just the right size for a miniature, and decided that we would alternate days to give us enough time to paint them.

I'm doing the odd days, so I got the first one:

A comfy looking leather armchair from Mantic's Terrain Crate series! We got the kickstarter a few years ago and they've mostly been sitting around unpainted since, so it's nice to have an excuse to paint one of these. The PVC they use isn't the best to work with, but it looks good when painted up. I washed all the Mantic pieces shortly after they arrived, and I'd recommend doing the same if you ever paint them up - they don't take acrylic paint very well without a wash. A spray can or airbrush primer is a good idea too.

It was a nice and easy first miniature to paint. I cheated a bit too and used Contrast paints so this was a very quick paintjob, but it looks the part and that's what is important. I also gave it a varnish with Citadel's Munitorum Varnish, as I've noticed the Contrast paints have a habit of peeling/chipping easily.

Laura's up next for day 2, stay tuned!