I haven't posted in a while, mostly because I've been moving house!
I now live in the centre of Leeds in a nice flat. Well, it's nice now... we spent a good few weeks scrubbing and cleaning everything. The previous owners were disgusting. Let's just say Nurgle would approve of things they left in the toilet, around the toilet, under the sofa, in the cupboards...the list goes on.
I now live in the centre of Leeds in a nice flat. Well, it's nice now... we spent a good few weeks scrubbing and cleaning everything. The previous owners were disgusting. Let's just say Nurgle would approve of things they left in the toilet, around the toilet, under the sofa, in the cupboards...the list goes on.
A lot of my things have been in storage for a while, but there are some older pictures I took of hobby progress which I never blogged about, so this post is a quick catch-up of some things I've been working on (and some games played which aren't worth writing full posts about).
Attempting to get zombie flesh right is trickier than it seems!
Contrast paints are brilliant when used carefully. Maybe a bit too brilliant (I'll apply some earthshade later to dirty those clothes a bit).
Witch-Finder Grumman - the person Forlania is looking for in the Warhammer Fantasy campaign I'm running for Laura.
Swishy cloak.
Laura and I played mission 5 of the campaign, but I decided afterwards that it wasn't a very good battle. It was too easy for her (enemy strength was severely lacking), and the board was far too small. We'll play it again on a better board in future.
Dwarven Forge castle pieces look good though.
I've been painting up some tiles for future map-based campaigns.
We got in a little 500pt Dwarf vs. Wood Elf game before we moved (guess which army Laura played as!).
Laura's Glade Guard spearmen - I got these from my friend Rick (Grumpy Gnome) and they're brilliant.
My stout dawi warriors.
Some elven abomination.
Noble dwarfs face off against elven tricksters.
Dwarf rangers show those wood elves a thing or two about marksmanship.
Wood elf archers firing (cowardly) from a hilltop.
An elf dies - a beautiful sight.
The dwarf rangers ready their axes.
The warriors heroically charge the treeman.
A fierce battle between elven spearmen and dwarf rangers.
The treeman slew many a fine dwarf that day.
The battle ended with the wood elves winning, but it was a very close thing!
Testing out some army compositions with my painted Bretonnians.
Halberdiers unit.
Bretonnian General with squires.
Sorceress (one of my earliest models!).
A group of archers I bought on eBay which I've been trying to uplift (still some work to go!).
Knights of the Realm (these need some neatening up too).
More Knights of the Realm - also in need of some touching up.