Sunday, 21 June 2020

Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Empire vs Wood Elves

Laura and I played a quick game of Warhammer Fantasy (6th Edition this time) to try out my newly painted (by Lukes APS) Empire army.

I came up with a quick story for the scenario:

The Empire had recently cleared a path through a section of the Reikwald Forest between Grunburg and Auerswald, with the intention of making the journey between Altdorf and Ubersreik more expedient. The Emperor had plans to pave it eventually, but before these plans were put into motion Ubersreik had called for aide - greenskins were rampaging towards the city from the Frugelholm mountains and the Ubersreik soldiery were already under great stress and insufficient to defend the town from organised assault.

Emperor Karl Franz dispatched troops from Altdorf to help reinforce Ubersreik. A vanguard detachment was sent first to secure the route and inform the von Jungfreuds of Ubersreik that reinforcements were coming.

Meanwhile, deep within the Reikwald Forest, the Yndan Wood Elf community was furious. The Empire had made a pact with the Yndan Deep Council not to cut any further swathes into the dark woods they called home. The pact was a mere 200 years old and the Reiklanders sought to betray it already. It was outrageous! The felling of tress around the small human communities was tolerable, but this mindless destruction of such a huge section of the forest was unthinkable.

Iriel Kinstalker, the most vocal and militant of the Yndan Asrai had had enough. She gathered a group of her most trusted glade guard and deepwood scouts and set out to mete retribution upon the humans of the Empire.


Karl Vorstadt - captain of the Altdorf Vanguard 1st Company - ordered his men to continue their march. They were 3 days away from Auerswald and the woods did not look inviting. The sooner they got through these accursed woodlands, the better.

Beginning deployment.

We played on a 3x3 board, and we deployed within 8" of each edge. Laura's Deepwood Scouts (6th edition version of Waywatchers I think) could deploy further into the board as infiltrators, but she chose to keep them in the wood. Her archers could shoot at up to 30" range, which is pretty much the entire board, so it was in her interest to stay in cover and unload as much as possible.

Empire Army:

1x Captain w/ magic Amulet (6+ Ward Save)
10x Militia w/ pistols & hand weapons
10x Ironside Handgunners w/ heavy armour & handguns
10x Greatswords w/ heavy armour & greatswords

Wood Elf Army:

1x Waystalker Captain w/ trueshot arrows (ignores cover)
15x Glade Guard w/ Asrai Longbows
5x Deepwood Scouts w/ Asrai Longbows

Empire Objective: Get as many men off the other side of the table as possible.
Wood Elf Objective: Kill as many Empire soldiers as possible.

We would compare her kills to my number of soldiers who'd left the board. Whichever had the highest number would be declared the winner.

Altdorf Vanguard deployed and ready for battle

Superb paintjob by Lukes APS

Glade Guard archers and Waystalker captain hiding in the woods

Deepwood scouts in the woods at the other side of the road

Laura went first and was immediately in range of my forward troops due to her Asrai longbows. She had a penalty for shooting at such long range, but she also fired double shots and with two ranks due to various Wood Elf special abilities. This meant my poor Militia had to deal with 30 shots at 4+ to hit & 4+ to wound in the first turn!

The Militia are cut down by multiple volleys of arrow fire

Only two stout lads remained, but luckily they were inspired by their captain to stand firm

The Militia managed to resists fleeing immediately, but only because the Captain was nearby and encouraged them to remain steadfast.

"We can take these elf mongrels!" he shouted, "Flee, and they'll attack your loved ones next!"

The Vanguard move out.

The Greatswords march towards the Deepwood Scouts.

The Ironsides position themselves on the hill and ready their guns.

I figured if I could use the militia and Captain to distract the Glade Guard for a few turns, that should give the Greatswords and Ironsides enough time to kill the Deepwood Scouts and escape through the right-hand side of the forest.

Another turn of withering arrowfire.

The glade guard managed to resist temptation to shoot the militia and targeted my greatswords instead. The heavy armour protected them fairly well, but three of them fell to the elf arrows. Meanwhile the deepwood scouts attacked the ironsides and managed to claim a couple of their lives too. 

Finally the Waystalker snapped off shots at the militia, and killed another one of the poor lads.

The last militia continues on, intending to avenge his fallen comrades.

The Ironsides steady themselves and fire at the elves, targeting their leader.

I was just in range of the elven captain with my Ironsides, and because I was on a hill it meant I could fire with both ranks, so I unleashed the power of blackpowder on the Asrai commander and she was struck with multiple lethal rounds!

Iriel Kinstalker falls to the might of Imperial steel.

The greatswords charge the deepwood scouts.

The Greatswords were finally able to charge the elf scouts, and lost another man to their swift blades (the elves strike first due to cumbersome greatswords & higher initiative).

However most of the Scouts were subsequently sliced down by the zweihanders. Both sides steeled themselves and remained in combat for another round.

The last militia and Captain Vorstadt charge the glade guard.

Captain Vorstadt and the militia fought as bravely as they could, but their numbers were so dwindled that it was a hopeless battle. They died valiantly, and managed to take three of the elven archers with them to Morr's Garden.

The glade guard move out of the woods, intending to get a better shot at the Ironsides.

The greatswords finish off the last of the deepwood scouts.

The greatswords finally managed to defeat the scouts, but the deadly elves cut down another one of their number in the process.

The handgunners fire more volleys at the glade guard, but fail to hit.

The elves retreat back into the woods, still firing shots at the Ironsides.

At this point I realised I could have my greatswords leave the board, but there's no way the Ironsides would survive with so many archers still trained on them. So I looped my swordsmen back round and attempted to get a charge in on the elves. I knew that if they survived the initial attack from the elves I would have a very good chance of winning the combat and forcing them to flee.

The Ironsides struggle to remain calm, and almost retreat off the board when another of their number is slain!

The greatswords make one last valiant charge.

The elves were prepared for the lumberfoots, and cut them down with their elven steel before the greatswords even knew they'd engaged the enemy.

Unfortunately for me, the glade guard managed to cut down all but one of the greatswords in their initial turn of combat. The last survivor gave it a good attempt, but only managed to best one more elf.

With the Ironsides struggled to mantain morale, and the greatswords decimated, I decided to concede. The elves won, and not a single Altdorf soldier managed to get to Ubersreik! the von Jungfreuds would be furious, and tensions between the free town of Ubersreik and the capital of the Empire would only heighten as a result.

The victory for the elves came at a heavy price, their beloved captain Iriel Kinstalker had been killed by the evils of human industry, but they had successfully delivered a message to the Empire that the wanton slaughter of innocent trees would not stand.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Soldiers of the Empire & Lukes APS Commission

Just before the Coronavirus hit I went to Warhammer World in Nottingham and bought a bunch of Empire miniatures which are still available.

I got:

10x Greatswords
10x Crossbowmen/Handgunners
10x Spearmen/Halberdiers
5x Pistoliers
1x Captain of the Empire

I also managed to get some OOP bits on eBay for a decent price:

10x Forgeworld Nuln Ironsides
10x Archers/Huntsmen

I feel like I have a lot less time to do hobby activities during the pandemic - which I suspect is related to the fact that my hobby area is now essentially in my office since I'm working from home. When I finish work for the day, I just want to get out of the hobby room and away from my PC. This means I'm doing less writing and less painting unfortunately.

As a result of having a large number of new miniatures which are unpainted and having less time to paint them, I thought this would be a perfect time to try out getting my miniatures painted by commission.

I built up some of the models and made sure they were trimmed nicely.

Captain of the Empire

Forgeworld Nuln Ironsides


I searched the Internet for local commission painters. There are a lot of good ones in other countries, but I wasn't sure about putting my rare forgeworld models on such a journey when there's a pandemic going on (and a lot of mail seems to be getting lost in the post).

Turns out Luke's APS - a somewhat famous YouTuber within the hobby - has his business nearby where I live. I e-mailed him and asked whether he does miniatures commissions and we agreed a price and the models to be painted.

I gave him some screenshots from the old Heraldry of the Empire book for reference - I wanted them painted in Altdorf colours. This means I can use them in Warhammer Fantasy Battles and in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay for the Ubersreik adventures/campaign.

In the meantime I realised that I had a lot of ranged units and not a lot of line infantry, so I had a look on eBay and found a group of regular swordsmen for a decent price. They were painted in Altdorf colours, but weren't the best paintjob - far too dark and splotchy. I didn't like the shield design either.

eBay picture of original paintjob

I tore the shields off (and some hands in the process, oops!) and applied a drybrush of Evil Suns Scarlet over the red, and Calgar Blue over the blue. I also painted the shields these colours. I then painted over all of the metals with Leadbelcher, followed by a nuln oil wash and a light drybrush of Army Painter Plate Mail Metal.

I touched up a few areas where paint had chipped off (hair and hats mostly). And then glued the shields back on.

Repainted Empire Soldiers

I'm not completely satisfied with them. There's a lot of mould lines visible still, so I think I'll have to get rid of them and repaint over the resulting damaged areas. I'm also thinking I should put some kind of motif on the shields, but I'm not sure what yet. My friend Rick has sent me various bits over the past year, including shield bosses, so maybe I'll be able to find something which will fit in there. Failing that, I may look for some decals online.

After a couple of weeks I got word from Luke Fellows that my commission was done. He sent me some pics to make sure I was happy with them:

I think they're great! Crisp details and lovely middlehammer bright colours. The service was friendly and it was very quick. 

I think the price agreed was fair, and the communication was good throughout. I'm happy to use Lukes APS again in future. I'll probably get the archers, crossbowmen and pistoliers painted by Lukes APS as well, although I'll do it over the period of a few months so I don't blow my hobby budget all at once.

I immediately got them out for a battle against Laura's Wood Elves - that'll be my next post.

I would definitely recommend Lukes APS for commission painting if you have the money and a shortage of time (or maybe an abundance of models you're not looking forward to painting). Obviously painting your own models makes you more attached to them, but sometimes you want some models painted and know you won't be able to get around to painting them to a decent standard in the foreseeable future.

Using this commission service means that I'll get to paint my Bretonnian army and Necromunda/sci-fi models without worrying about having a bunch of unpainted models sitting around for years.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Warhammer Fantasy Campaign - Mission 2

Captain Forlania was treated for her injuries and recovered well.

The Council of Ages did not take the news of daemonic activity lightly. They called for a retreat of the outlying settlements and many families were displaced. Waywatcher patrols were increased on the borders to the Grey Mountains, and envoys were sent to the human allies in Bretonnia to ask for information and support.

When Forlania had recovered she was summoned before the Council once more.

"We must ask more of you, Forlania," said Lord Iefyr, "There is a man of the Empire who knows much of the creatures of Chaos. We would ask that you seek him out in Ubersreik. We helped him once, and it is time he repays us in kind."

Forlania bowed her head in deference. 

The Oak of Ages creaked and groaned in the silence between words. It was a huge and ancient tree, and massive branches had grown into curiously accessible shapes. This branch in particular had a huge knot which was perfectly level, and strange growths surrounded the knot which were perfectly formed for an elf to sit comfortably in. The 'seats' were filled with elves almost as ancient as the tree itself - this section of the tree resembled a council chamber, and Forlania stood in the centre of it.

"We have assigned a lance of Glade Riders to assist you in your journey." Lord Iefyr continued, "In addition, the men and women you rescued have pledged themselves to your cause. These brave kinsmen have been equipped with sword and bow, and shall accompany you to Ubersreik. You have a full 'lance fournie', as the Bretons would call it. Lead them well."


Forlania's company travelled North-West through Athel Loren, wanting to keep to the familiar terrain of the woodland realm for as long as possible. After many days of marching, they arrived at the border of Bretonnia and made their way through the fields and pastures of the feudal land.

After another week of travel they were running low on supplies, so Forlania decided to stop at a Bretonnian village - Saint-Lys-du-Parravon - for information, rest and resupply.


Forlania's company found respite at a large and somewhat ramshackle Inn - The Stoic Arms. The archers and waywatchers availed themselves of one of the large conference rooms upstairs, whilst Forlania decided to talk to the locals in the bar. The glade riders stayed outside with their horses, finding more pleasure in the company of their steeds and the fresh air than in some wine-soaked tavern. 

The Stoic Arms

"You are in for a delight, madam elf," the Innkeep announced jubilantly, "That musty scent heralds a fresh batch of our famous chicken pâté!"
Forlania looked at the potted paste dubiously and decided to help herself to the herby drybread while she decided whether to risk expanding her palate.

"It's fine eatin', you know." a man with a thick Reikland accent (and a thick Reikland beard) sat down at the bar next to her, "I didn't trust it myself. But now Elise can't make enough of the stuff for me!"

Forlania stared at the bearded man who'd decided to converse with her. He had more beard than face it seemed, and the beard was in better condition too. A great scar ran across his forehead and ended in a hook at the edge of his eyebrow. Although finely groomed, some small gaps were noticeable in the beard - the result of more scar-tissue she assumed.

"As I was sayin', it's great stuff." he was stuffing a drybread loaded with the meaty paste into what she could only imagine was his mouth (it was hard to tell), "Otto Reinhardt, at yer service."

The windmill's sails creak into life as a cold wind stirs.

Outside the Inn, the three glade riders were immersed in conversation. Alsaelle - leader of the glade riders - stopped mid-sentence and reached for her sword: something was approaching.

A yeoman mounted on a swift saddlehorse charges into town.

A panicked looking yeoman rides past bewildered villagers and barely manages to dismount before tumbling into the Inn.

"Greenskins!" he shouts to no-one in particular. "Arm thyselves, and swiftly!"

Forlania wastes no time in commanding her men to mount a defence of the Inn. Meanwhile, Alsaelle and her glade riders mount up and prepare to counter any attacking forces.

The waywatchers take positions on the balustrade.

"Wait until my signal," Gwynion said to her fellow waywatchers, "We must ensure we do not fire blindly and hurt any innocents."

The villagers continue their routines, oblivious to any dangers.

Alsaelle and her glade riders swing around the Inn and prepare to meet the orcish foe.

The wood elves are ready to defend the Bretonnian village.

The glade riders charged forward down the main street, their elven eyes having spotted the rampaging orcs in the distance. 

The orcs ran through the street, swinging their brutal weapons at anything in their path. 

The half-dozen orcs were cut down easily by the glade riders, and barely put up a fight. Alsaelle is suspicious, and wonders where the rest of their tribe could be.

The windmill suddenly comes to a stop and an eerie silence befalls the village.

The glade riders returned to the Inn, victorious but a little confused. Greenskins never raid in such small numbers.

Suddenly, blood-curdling screams were heard from the edge of the village. The cavalry re-positioned themselves to face the new threat, and saw a horde of undead shambling through the streets!

The glade riders charge once more, this time into an unnatural foe!

Alsaelle spurred her men on and led the charge. 

A bewildered villager hurriedly picked up his prize pumpkins and tried to make it back to his cottage.

The yeoman scout is sent to Parravon to call for reinforcements.

Forlania managed to convince the local militia to head out and fight the creatures. Captain Otto Reinhardt joined them, hoping to fight his way to Elise's house.

The forces of darkness converge on the village.

A mysterious masked Necromancer directed the zombies into the nearby houses. The sounds of a struggle were heard.

More undead shamble into the village.

Forlania's fox makes its way to a group of zombies outside Elise's house.

Forlania's fox engaged a group of the zombies. They were strong and numerous, but they couldn't match the speed or wiles of the vicious canine, and were torn limb from limb.

More zombies emerge at the other end of the village.

Reinhardt directs the Bretonnian militia to charge the undead horde.

Wood elves give covering fire from the balustrades and balconies of the Inn.

The night air was filled with the din of battle. Villagers screamed as they were eaten alive by the monstrous zombies, swords and axes crunched bones and sliced flesh and arrows whistled through the air.

Reinhardt and the Bretonnian militia joined Forlania's fox in fighting the zombies to the East of the village, and through strong leadership and teamwork, they managed to defeat the walking corpses. Reinhardt burst into Elise's house, expecting the worst. Thankfully they had made it in time however, and he was met with the sight of his lovely (if terrified) partner.

Meanwhile, the glade riders fought the zombies on the West of the village. They were skilled lancers, but they were glad to have the assistance of the archers from the Inn. Their deadly accuracy felled many a zombie that would have been the death of the cavalrymen.

Forlania made her way through the village, directing peasants to the safety of The Stoic Arms. She arrived too late at the blacksmith's house, however, and saw a site of such carnage that she was almost paralysed with grief. The mangled corpses of the smith's family began to move and lurch in her direction, and she cut them down mercilessly. She was angry with herself, and wished she could have gotten there sooner to save them.

Leaving the blacksmith's house, she saw the battle raging between the glade riders and the zombie horde. She was about to draw her sword to join them, when she noticed the masked magician directing the undead with his foul necromancy. She knocked an arrow, prayed to Lileath and loosed it at her target. It struck the dark magician directly in the eye, and he dropped to the ground.

The undead began to crumble where they stood, their limbs dropping off and their joints stiffening suddenly. Whatever dark ritual had been keeping them in their state of undeath was clearly broken.


With the threat over, the defenders of Saint-Lys-Du-Parravon returned to the Inn and accounted for the lost and wounded. In the end only the blacksmith, his wife and their daughter had been killed in the attack, although that in itself was tragic, it could have gone a lot worse for the village.

The wood elves were hailed as heroes, and the Bretonnian militia pledged themselves to Forlania's cause. Captain Reinhardt also offered to join her in her journey to the Reikland, and she gladly accepted.

After a proper night's rest, the company continued towards Grey Lady Pass...